Orbital Debris from Upper-Stage Breakup (Hardback) [Joseph P. Loftus Jr. (Editor) - 1989]
227 pgs, 1989, AIAA ISBN 978-0930403584
In Volume 121 of the Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics series, foreign and domestic space researchers discuss causes and prevention of the upper-stage breakups that have contributed substantially to the orbital debris problem. Ranging in size from dust specks to large fragments, these man-made rings around the planet present hazards serious enough to affect spacecraft or satellite design, and serious enough to warrant the two-day NASA conference from which these papers were harvested.
Current Orbital Debris Environment
Evolution of the Artificial Earth Satellite Environment
Hypervelocity Impact and Upper-Stage Breakups
Breakup Studies
Preliminary Analysis of the Fragmentation of the Spot 1 Ariane Third Stage
Explosive Fragmentation of Orbiting Propellant Tanks
Characteristics of Satellite Breakups from Radar Cross Section and Plane-Change Angle
Albedo Estimates for Debris
Ariane-Related Debris in Deep-Space Orbit
Potential Spot-1 R/B-Cosmos 1680 R/B Collision
Control of Debris from Breakups
Removal of Orbital Debris
Cost Estimates for Removal of Orbital Debris
Collision Probabilities in Geosynchronous Orbit and Techniques to Control the Environment
Prevention of Breakups: Upper-Stage Operational Procedures
Current Operational Practice for the Delta Second Stage
Ariane Third Stage: Current Operational Practice and Modifications Expected
Centaur Upper Stage
Safing of H-1 Second Stage After Spacecraft Separation